Monday, January 9, 2012

No pictures for a while

This weekend our apartment (my new apartment) was robbed. Below please find an exhaustive list of what was taken. Like the policewoman said, "¡hicieron el agosto!"

Este finde nuestro piso fue robado. Abajo puedes leer la lista de las cosas desaparecidas. Cómo nos dijo la policía, "¡hicieron el agosto!"

4 Laptops plus 2 laptop chargers / 4 portátiles y 2 cargadores
3 Cameras / 3 Cámaras
2 Cell phones plus 2 Cell phone chargers / 2 móviles y 2 cargadores
1 MP3 player / 1 reproductor de MP3
1 USB memory stick / 1 pendrive
1 Suitcase / una maleta
2 Backpacks / 2 mochilas
150 euros cash / en efectivo
3 Kg Potatoes / 3 Kg patatas
2 Roccocó (pastries from Italy / dulces de Italia)
1 Salami (Half-eaten / mordisqueado)
2 Sopressate (sausage from Italy / salchichas de Italia)
4 Apples / 4 Manzanas
1 Liter milk / 1 litro de leche
1 container cane sugar / paquete azúcar de caña
1 Baguette
1 Bottle white wine (€.69) / 1 botella de vino blanco
1 Bottle port wine / 1 botella de vino de oporto
2 Cans crushed tomatoes / 2 latas tomates triturados
2 Turkey thighs / 2 muslos de pavo
12 eggs / 12 huevos
2 Packages bacon / paquetes beicon
1 Turrón
1 Twix
1 Bar chocolate / 1 barra chocolate
Cookies / Galletas

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh,
    That's awful --my gosh I can't believe they cleaned out the kitchen too! Charlie is hoping they catch the bad guys. William says they should get 20 years. I'm just relieved you're ok and weren't there when it happened. Stay well. And we'll hope that the rest of 2012 improves DRAMATICALLY!
    Stay safe -
